You can obtain free community support for example through stackoverflow, or also through the Symfony2 mailing list.
If you think you found a bug, please create a ticket in the bug tracker.
If you take code quality seriously, try out the new continuous inspection service.
Once you have found a suitable combination of command line options, it might be a bit tedious to specify them each time when you want to run the extraction command. For this, you can also set-up some pre-defined settings via the configuration:
# config.yml
dirs: ["%kernel.project_dir%/templates", "%kernel.project_dir%/src"]
output_dir: "%kernel.project_dir%/translations"
ignored_domains: [routes]
excluded_names: ["*TestCase.php", "*Test.php"]
excluded_dirs: [cache, data, logs]
extractors: [alias_of_the_extractor]
You can then run the extraction process with this configuration with the following command:
php app/console translation:extract de --config=app
The --config
option also supports overriding via command-line options. Let?s assume that
you would like to change the output format that has been defined in the config, but leave all
other settings the same, you would run:
php app/console translation:extract de --config=app --output-format=xliff