Table Of Contents


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If you think you found a bug, please create a ticket in the bug tracker.

Continuous Inspections

If you take code quality seriously, try out the new continuous inspection service.



twig.js has support for the following tests built-in: defined, divisibleby, empty, even, none, null, odd, sameas

Adding A Compile-Time Test

Compile-time tests should generally be preferred as they are inlined into your code, and do not make an additional round-trip through your twig.js environment, and in some cases not even a function call.

For compile-time tests, you need to create a dedicated class, and implement the TwigJs\TestCompilerInterface. You can then add your test compiler by calling:

$jsCompiler->addTestCompiler(new MyTestCompiler());

Adding A Runtime Test

You can register a runtime test at anytime. The difference to compile-time tests is that they are resolved at runtime, and thus a bit less performant than compile-time tests.

A test can be any JS function that returns a boolean result:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    Twig.setTest('foo-bar-test', function(value) {
        return 'foobar' === value;

Note that you will receive the same arguments like in the PHP equivalent.

Also note that a runtime test cannot override a compile-time test, as these tests are not delegated through your twig.js runtime environment.