Table Of Contents


You can obtain free community support for example through stackoverflow.

If you think you found a bug, please create a ticket in the bug tracker.

Continuous Inspections

If you take code quality seriously, try out the new continuous inspection service.




If you discover a bug, or maybe a feature is missing that you?d like to add, you can simply fork the repository on GitHub, and then send a pull request with your proposed patch.

Please make sure to run the test suite, and also to add tests for your changes.

Running the Test Suite

twig.js has a PHP, and a Javascript Test Suite. Depending on which parts of the code you change, you need to run either one, or both test suites to verify that your changes have not broken anything. On most systems, you can run the entire test suite instantly with one simple command.

$ make test

PHPUnit Test Suite

You can run the PHPUnit test suite by simply typing ?phpunit? in the root folder.

If you run this for the first time, you need to first create a config.php where you specify all the paths to twig.js dependencies. The distribution already includes a config.php.dist which you can use as a starting point.

Mocha Test Suite

The Mocha test suite is run by installing the NPM dependencies using ?npm install?, and then by running the mocha binary installed by NPM.

$ ./node_modules/.bin/mocha ?require tests-js/bootstrap.js tests-js/twig/* tests-js/twig//

If you also made changes to the Javascript, you need to re-compile the minified versions of twig.js:

$ make build