
Table Of Contents


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Continuous Inspections

If you take code quality seriously, try out the new continuous inspection service.




By default, you can only use the provided annotations on your non-service controllers; no other directories are scanned.

However, if you also would like to use annotations to configure your regular services, you can configure more locations as demonstrated below.

Configuration Locations

If you would like to configure services in a bundle of yours via annotations, or have some services outside of any bundles structure such as in your src/ directory, you can make use of the following configuration options, so that the bundle will pick them up, and add them to your dependency injection container:

        all_bundles: false
        bundles: [FooBundle, AcmeBlogBundle]
        directories: ["%kernel.root_dir%/../src"]
    <locations all-bundles="false">

Tip: For optimal development performance (in production there is no difference either way), it is recommended to explicitly configure the directories which should be scanned for service classes, and not rely on the all_bundles configuration option.

Automatic Controller Injections

This bundle allows you to configure injection for certain properties, and methods of controllers automatically. This is most useful for commonly needed services which then do not need to be annotated explicitly anymore.

            request: "@request"
            router: "@router"

            setRouter: ["@router"]
        <property name="request">@request</property>
        <property name="router">@router</property>

        <method-call name="setRouter">@router</method-call>

If your controller has any of the above properties, or methods, then you do not need to add an @Inject annotation anymore, but we will automatically inject the configured services for you. However, if you do declare an @Inject annotation it will automatically overwrite whatever you have configured in the above section.

Disabling the usage of grep

The bundle uses different methods to find the annotations in your files, depending on your Operating System and available software. If you are using a Linux distribution with grep installed, grep will be used by default instead of the Symfony Finder to increase performance.

Sometimes, you might not want to let the bundle use grep, for example if your version of grep is too old and therefore does not support some of the more recent options. In this case, you can disable the usage of grep with the following configuration.

    disable_grep: true
<jms-di-extra disable_grep="false">