
Table Of Contents


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Creating Translation Messages

While not strictly necessary, this bundle strongly advocates the usage of abstract keys such as ?form.label.firstname? as translation messages. Many of the features of this bundle were designed to facilitate this.

Abstract keys are used for two main reasons:

  1. Translation messages are mostly written by developers, and thus their first draft of the message might not be perfect from a copywriters point of view, or changes might be necessitated later for other reasons. These changes would then result in changes for all supported languages instead of only for the source language, and some translations might actually be lost in the process.
  2. Some words in English (or whatever your source language is) are spelled differently in other languages depending on their meaning. Let?s take the English word ?Archive? as an example. This can be a noun (?The Archive?), and also a verb (?to archive?). In German, these are two different words ?Archiv? for the noun, and ?Archivieren? for the verb. If you were using the source message as id, you could not use the word ?Archiv? with different meanings on your site as you could only either translate it to the German ?Archiv?, or ?Archivieren?, but not both.

Whereas abstract keys do not suffer from these limitations, they come with some of their own. For example, sometimes it is hard for the translator to know what s/he is supposed to translate. Let?s take a look at the following example where we use the source message as key:

{# index.html.twig #}
{{ "{0} There is no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,Inf] There are %count% apples"|transchoice(count) }}

If we translate this to use an abstract key instead, we would get something like the following:

{# index.html.twig #}
{{ "text.apples_remaining"|transchoice(count) }}

If a translator now sees this abstract key, s/he does not really know what the expected translation should look like. Fortunately, there is a solution for this. We simply allow the developer to convey more context to the translator via the desc filter:

{# index.html.twig #}
{{ "text.apples_remaining"|transchoice(count)
       |desc("{0} There is no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,Inf] There are %count% apples") }}

As you can see we have basically moved the source translation to the desc filter. This filter can contain any information that aids a translator in producing a better translated message. When extracting messages, this message will also automatically be used as the default translation.

Note: The desc filter is removed when your Twig template is compiled, and does not affect the runtime performance of your template.

Of course, an equivalent to the desc filter is also available for translations in PHP code, the @Desc annotation:


// Controller.php
/** @Desc("{0} There is no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,Inf] There are %count% apples") */
$this->translator->transChoice('text_apples_remaining', $count)

You can place the doc comment anywhere in the method call chain or directly before the key.

Extracting Translation Messages

This bundle automatically supports extracting messages from the following sources:

  • Twig: trans, and transchoice filters as well as trans, and transchoice blocks
  • PHP:
    • all calls to the trans, or transChoice method
    • all classes implementing the TranslationContainerInterface
    • all form labels that are defined as options to the ->add() method of the FormBuilder
    • messages declared in validation constraints

If you need to customize this process even further, you can implement your own FileVisitorInterface service, and tag it with jms_translation.file_visitor. As an example, you can take a look at the JMSGoogleClosureBundle which extracts translations from Javascript

While all of the aforementioned methods extract translation messages from the file system, in some cases, you cannot attribute translation messages to specific files. For these cases, you can implement an ExtractorInterface service, and tag it with jms_translation.extractor.

As an example, you can take a look at the JMSI18nRoutingBundle which implements an extractor service for routes, and the corresponding service definition. Due to the global nature of these extractors, they are not enabled by default, but you need to enabled each of them explicitly. You can do that by passing the --enable-extractor=fooAlias command line option, or enable it in the configuration (see below).

Dumping Translation Messages

For dumping, the bundle provides you with a console command which you can use to update your translation files, or also just to preview all changes that have been made.

Updating Files:

php app/console translation:extract de --dir=./src/ --output-dir=./app/Resources/translations

If you would like to preview the changes first, you can simply add the --dry-run option.

The command provides several command line options which you can use to adapt the extraction process to your specific needs, just run:

php app/console translation:extract --help

One notable option is ??bundle? which lets you easily dump the translation files for one bundle:

php app/console translation:extract de --bundle=MyFooBundle

This bundle supports the following formats: csv, ini, php, qt, xliff, and yml

Tip: Note however, that the best integration exists with the XLIFF format. This is simply due to the fact that the other formats are not so extensible, and do not allow for some of the more advanced features like tracking where a translation is used, whether it is new, etc.