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Continuous Inspections

If you take code quality seriously, try out the new continuous inspection service.



You can easily install twig.js using Composer. Just add the following to your composer.json file:

// composer.json
    // ...
    "require": {
        // ...
        "jms/twig-js": "dev-master"
Note: Please replace dev-master in the snippet above with the latest stable branch, for example 1.0.*.

Then, you can install the new dependencies by running Composer?s update command from the directory where your composer.json file is located:

php composer.phar update jms/twig-js

Now, Composer will automatically download all required files, and install them for you.

Tip: If you are using Symfony2, you should instead take a look at the JMSTwigJsBundle which handles the integration for you, and also adds some Symfony2-specific features.