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You can continue to create routes like you would do normally. In fact, during development you don?t need to make any special changes to your existing routes to make them translatable.
Once your code is stable enough to begin translation, you can use the translation:extract
command that is provided by JMSTranslationBundle:
$ php app/console translation:extract de --enable-extractor=jms_i18n_routing # ...
Please refer to the bundle?s documentation for more information.
By default, the router uses the following algorithm to determine which locale to use for route generation:
Some examples below:
<!-- uses locale of the request context to generate the route -->
<a href="{{ path("contact") }}">Contact</a>
<!-- sometimes it's necessary to generate routes for a locale other than that
of the request context, then you can pass it explicitly -->
<a href="{{ path("homepage", {"_locale": "de"}) }}">Deutsch</a>
<a href="{{ path("homepage", {"_locale": "en"}) }}">English</a>
If you don?t want to translate a single given route, you can begin the route name with ?_? (e.g. ?_contact?) or disable it in the routing configuration:
# app/config/routing.yml
options: { i18n: false }
If you want to add a prefix before the _locale string (e.g. /admin/en/dashboard), you can add the ?i18n_prefix? option.
# app/config/routing.yml
options: { i18n_prefix: admin }