You can obtain free community support for example through stackoverflow, or also through the Symfony2 mailing list.
If you think you found a bug, please create a ticket in the bug tracker.
If you take code quality seriously, try out the new continuous inspection service.
The main objective of this bundle is to improve your user experience with Symfony2. Spend less time debugging, and more time solving your actual problems.
Key features include:
Note: This Bundle uses Google Analytics to track usage, however no sensitive/personal data is transfered
Add the following dependencies to your projects composer.json file:
"require": {
# ..
"jms/debugging-bundle": "dev-master"
# ..
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
// ...
$bundles[] = new JMS\DebuggingBundle\JMSDebuggingBundle($this);
// ...
If you want to have extended debugging capabilities like which services were loaded in which order from which class/service, then you need to change the default container base class. This will have a slight runtime performance hit in the range of about 10-30 micro seconds per service call (only in dev environment!).
// app/AppKernel.php
protected function getContainerBaseClass()
if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
return '\JMS\DebuggingBundle\DependencyInjection\TraceableContainer';
return parent::getContainerBaseClass();
Below you find the default configuration for this bundle:
# You can set this to true if you want to automatically retrieve help
# messages for public exceptions. If you leave this set to false, you have
# to click the "search" button manually each time.
auto_help: false
If you like this bundle, and want to support its development, you can donate whatever amount you like. You may also include an issue number in the note box if you want to link your donation directly to that issue. Note however that there is no guarantee when, or if that feature will be implemented.