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This bundle provides useful commands that ease development.
Checkout a copy of the code:
git submodule add src/JMS/CommandBundle
Then register the bundle with your kernel:
// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new JMS\CommandBundle\JMSCommandBundle(),
// ...
Usage: exceptionify <bundlename>
php app/console exceptionify MyBundleName
This command will automatically add bundle exceptions for all SPL exceptions that are used inside the bundle plus the approriate use statements according to Symfony2?s best practices.
Usage: licensify <bundlename>
php app/console licensify MyBundleName --license Apache2
This command will automatically add the given license to all PHP files. You can change the license text (for example to add your name) by overwriting this bundle in your application. It will also add the given license in Resources/meta/LICENSE.
Usage: generate:test-application <bundlename>
php app/console generate:test-application JMSCommandBundle
Generates a test application inside a bundle which you can use for functional tests.